The following results are based on 400 total respondents as of July 2011. Historical results are also archived on the WWP wiki under Scientology Exit Survey Results.
For more information on the available documentation compiled by this informal study, check out the Church of Scientology Exit Survey Reporting Index and the related scribd collection.
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Basic Reports
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Advanced Crosstab Reports
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Analytical Crosstab Reports
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Summary Charts
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Download Bundle
Q2 2011 Exit Survey Results - Infographics Album (Slideshow)
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Advanced Crosstab Reports
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Analytical Crosstab Reports
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Summary Charts
Church of Scientology Exit Survey Results - Download Bundle
Q2 2011 Exit Survey Results - Infographics Album (Slideshow)
Interesting factoids about this batch of quarterly updates - Were up by another 20 responses from 1st qtr of 2011, and methinks I really need to start trolling ESMB much harder for poll takers again, or find some new venue of promoting it beyond the anon-friendly camps.
The 20 new ones we got were approx. 50% in the 5-15 years spent "in" bracket, and the other 50% fairly evenly spread across all the other time spent demographics for 1+ years in.
Click the thumbnails below
to view full-size charts

Analytical factoid: note the difference between the two charts above is ever so slight. Such that it sorta appears at-a-glance there is maybe a woolly mammoth sized pothole in the bridge round about 15-20+ years in.
Scary factoid: an emerging trend is brewing on this last chart above; the "got help after 10 years" quarterly increase tends to be a hair higher than equal to all the increases everywhere else. Eg: 16/20 of the new respondents for last quarter got some form of assistance with 9/16 in the "after 10 years" category. FWIW, this 55-60% vs. 45-40% ratio has persisted for the past 3 quarters.
to view full-size charts

Analytical factoid: note the difference between the two charts above is ever so slight. Such that it sorta appears at-a-glance there is maybe a woolly mammoth sized pothole in the bridge round about 15-20+ years in.
Scary factoid: an emerging trend is brewing on this last chart above; the "got help after 10 years" quarterly increase tends to be a hair higher than equal to all the increases everywhere else. Eg: 16/20 of the new respondents for last quarter got some form of assistance with 9/16 in the "after 10 years" category. FWIW, this 55-60% vs. 45-40% ratio has persisted for the past 3 quarters.
The Online CofS Exit Survey is one of several ongoing data collection projects being featured and promoted to new audiences here on the Exit Zone blog. Our current initiatives include continuing to publish quarterly reporting updates for the remainder of the current year (and possibly longer if active participating remains steady).
We also plan to seek expert review and opinion on our little amateur scholarship project from recognized cult experts and other academics once the accumulated results reach approximately 500 respondents. If your a former member of the official Church, please take the time to lend your experiences to the data being collected by following the link below.
We hope that former members of the Church of Scientology who like what they see here, take the time to participate in all of the Exit Zone data collection projects dedicated to broadening public awareness and documenting the truth regarding the bizarre world of scientology being a dangerous cult.
Click the title of this post or on any other entries on this micro blog to visit the related link for a given announcement.
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